Join God’s Army Today
” I am victorious, I am King, I am your Jesus of Mercy and Your King of Justice. Victory is Mine, Victory and Triumph to my Mother Mary. All is assured.”
Unification of God’s Army
As described by Maria Izzo
To understand the unification of God’s Army and His Plan;
- Evil must be seen and acknowledged. God wants us to see the evil of this world. This will allow us to understand why the battle.
- Errors of the Church must be known. We must no longered be fooled and deceived by the corruption of the hierarchy of the Church. Do not accept any errors or compromise. We must not deviate from the true church and the true faith and teaching of Jesus. (add message from Our Lord to the Church and Priest).
- We must know and understand the history, traditions and scripture of the Church of our Faith. Through them to arrive were we are today.
- Explain to the people of the world how we can combat these evils that satan has placed upon this world and why the unification.
- To unify the world to become soldiers of God. In this world and in unity with God’s army in heaven to combat satan and his demons. We cannot so this on our own. We must trust God and Holy Mother Mary who has been given the power from the Holy Trinity to battle and guide us (so do not fear).
- Explain to people that God and Holy Mother Mary through the centuries have given us all these wonderful prayers: Rosary, Devotions ext. These are weapons and tools in preparation for these times to combat satan.
- God wants us to unite ourselves and everything – prayers, devotions, joys, sufferings, movements, Masses, priests ect all to be united under ” The uniting prayer to the Heavenly Family”. This will form;
- The Army of God on Earth to be united with the army of God in Heaven. Satan has formed his army on Earth through the centuries. Now God wants hiss army to be formed and activated for this great battle.
- God’s army cannot be defeated. It wull be unstoppable… It is God’s plan.
- This will give victory to God… The Holy Trinity… through the Triumph of Holy Mother Mary. Do not be afraid to do God’s work… Do not fear.
So we call on the power of the majestic heart of God the Father, we take up the sword of the Holy Spirit, the armour of the precious blood of Jesus and the victory of the Holy Cross … Crucifiction.
Jesus said
” I am victorious, I am King, I am your Jesus of Mercy and Your King of Justice. Victory is Mine, Victory and Triumph to my Mother Mary. All is assured.”
” I have come to heal you and to love you through the passion and ressurection”.
Stay focused on me your Jesus, I am the Church, be in a state of Grace, forgive each other and forgive ourselves, be united and help one another.
God the Father
- I love you all my children
- I want you all to be heaven with me
- I brought you all into this world I want you all to return to me in heaven
- I do not want to lose one soul of my children
- I am your father who loves you
The heart of victory of the “holy Trinity” uniting the hearts of:
- the majestic heart of God the Father
- the Sacred Heart of Jesus
- the heart of infinity of God the holy spirit
They are all one heart of “the Holy Trinity” and it is Victorious!
Holy Mother Mary Uniting Her Immaculate Heart to the Holy Trinity for Her Victory and Triumph
Holy Mother Mary uniting Her Immaculate Heart to the Holy Trinity for Her victory and triumph over satan and his demons. Satan’s head will be crushed. Holy Mother said
“My feet will crush anyone in front of me. Enough is enough from this wicked and perverted humanity. The world and the hierarchies are on notice. Everyone and everything will be brought down. I will be coming to you in a big way. There will be an explosion of fire coming from my being”.
I asked Holy Mother, is it your flame of love. Holy Mother said no, it is a fire not a flame of my being myself. This fire will explode into the world.
Then Pope St John Paul II came and said, this will be monumental. I prayed and came to understand this explosion of fire of our Holy Mother with the power given to Her from the Holy Trinity will ignite the world and the army of God for the great battle and Her Triumph.
Please listen to the voice of Heaven repent convert return to God before it is too late the Heavenly Family loves you all very much return return return to God. Be soldiers of God.
St Joseph is protecting the True Church of God
St Joseph is protecting the true Church of God its teaching, the truth and the Magisterium… The church will seem to die, it has to imitate our dear Lord Jesus, as he is the church… The church has to be purified from all corruption, errors, sacrileges that have been implemented… We have arrived at the foot of the cross on Calvary… St Joseph said… We have arrived for the death of the church… But also for the Resurrection… For the church will return in glorious splendour as it should be…z
Jesus said
Do not be afraid, rather remember that I too had to undergo the cross and though it looked as if I had been deserted by the Father, I hadn’t… instead I was entering the Resurrection… I was about to save the world!! I was about to prove that love, humility, peace and determination were the saving structure upon which I built salvation!… Do not be afraid… Just place your life in my hands and I will do the rest… Just let go and allow me the room to move in your life and the lives of your family…. Timing is everything… be at peace and let me love you through this…
Stay focused on me your Jesus…. I am the church… be in a state of grace… forgive each other and yourselves… be united… and help one another.
All will be accomplished to usher in the new era of peace and for God’s kingdom to return to earth with the coming of our Lord Jesus.
Our Lord said… As I went up, I will return!

Glory to God Forever
St Michael with his legion of Angels, Saints, people of Heaven and Purgatory will help and protect humanity, joining with us in this greatest battle that has ever existed in the history of humanity. We must call on them at all times for help, guidance, protection… God has given the gift to all who are in Heaven… to help us for these crucial times for battle… we must thank God for these great gifts of love he gives to us … he has given everything to us … in his great love…so, accept these gifts, otherwise they will be lost… do not be ungrateful children.
St Michael, all Angels and Saints, Heavenly Family, help us and protect us and guide us to God and heaven … thank you for loving us.
Come, join God’s army and become the greatest soldier of all times.
God and Holy Mother Mary… call to all priests… to unite for this great battle… they have the power of God through their consecration and anointing of the priesthood to combat satan and his demons with the help of God “the Holy Trinity” and Holy Mother Mary…if all priests banded and unify together … satan cannot win this battle … Satan cannot or will not succeeded in winning this battle … he knows this but he is going after individual souls for their destruction…this will hurt God…and…this is the battle…taking souls away from God …this is the great battle…priests must unite … they cannot do this on their own… be leaders of unification for the army of God and holy Mother Mary… by praying The Uniting Prayer to the Heavenly Family… which is… “The Holy Trinity” and “The Holy Family”…plus the Consecration and the Novena, and Rosary… As this is a weapon and a sword of light against Satan and his demons. Wherever it goes it breaks Satan’s chain… This was given and compiled by our Holy Mother Mary… With God “the Holy Spirit” carrying it wherever it needs to go… With the power of the “Holy Trinity”, for the Triumph of Holy Mother Mary… This Triumph Holy Mother Mary will present it to the Holy Trinity… Satan will be bound and imprisoned in the Precious Blood of Jesus for eternity… he spilt Jesus’ Precious Blood, he will suffer in Jesus’ Blood… For us the Precious Blood of Jesus is our salvation…but for satan it is his horrific terror.
Jesus – My Mother has put fear in the hands of satan. He is petrified of Her.
Come join the army of God with prayer and unity. God is calling all children to join him…Please, do not disappoint him…Come with great love in your heart… Jesus is knocking… you will regret it if you don’t.
Respond to his great call.