Come Follow Me

“To break the chains of sins in which through fear of them being discovered shackle Gods people from working for the Lord”

“Peace in World, peace in our country, Peace in our homes and Peace in our hearts”

Cry From Heaven

I encourage you all to listen and share with others worldwide this powerful “Cry From Heaven”

Meeting at 3 PM outside St. Brigid’s. Please note, no Mass will be held.  Attend Mass at your own parish Saturday morning.

Public transport is recommended! Take the train and hop on the Blue Cat, stopping outside St Brigid’s. Parking is available on nearby streets, with paid parking on Row Street CPP. No parking at the church as there is another event happening!

Things to know:

What to do:

  • Arrive at Saint Brigid’s on Aberdeen Street for 3pm

  • Walk will begin at 3:15pm

  • Benediction will be held in the Cathedral at 4:15pm

  • End of the procession 4.45pm –


What to bring:

  • your friends and family, children will lead the procession praying the Rosary

  • if you have spare Rosary beads, medals – especially Miraculous medals, St Benedictine medals, prayer cards, etc  that might help some of the people we meet (we will be walking through Northbridge) and you are happy to give away please bring them along

  • you may consider to car pool as parking could be an issue (it is a 40min regular pace walk, to the Cathedral you may consider parking around the Cathedral and walk to St Brigid’s to ensure you have transport home/easier parking

  • ensure you have hats, water etc for sun/heat protection for yourselves

Be alert to your own safety at all times

*Obey traffic rules:

*stay on footpath

*cross only on Green man where available

*do not obstruct pedestrians or cars.

*Watch out for cyclists

*If you get separated/lost- make you way to the cathedral

*Do not respond to provocation

Emergency number : 0415 407 316

*Please vacate Cathedral by 4.45pm

7 + 13 =

Why Make a Pilgrimage

A comparison could be made between the Israelites walking through the Desert and the Lord leading them back to the Holy Land. Our walk to freedom begins here. In addition, we have the image of the Holy Family returning to Nazareth after they were exiled in Egypt. The countless times Joseph, Mary, and Jesus walked the 100+ miles between Nazareth and Jerusalem for religious festivals is another example. The many pilgrimages and missions Jesus and the apostles made during his three years in public ministry would in fact have involved walking similar distances. In the days following Jesus’ death, Paul and Barnabas traveled thousands of miles on foot, spreading the Good News throughout Turkey, Greece, and Italy. Likewise, the Apostles and Disciples spread the gospel throughout Europe, Africa, and Asia. We must not forget the most important pilgrimage of all, Our Lord Jesus Christ’s walk up the hill to Calvary.

On this pilgrimage, you will experience a very special unity with the Saints of the Church, the Old Testament patriarchs, and the Holy Family. In making this intentional journey, it is easy to focus on the physical, but it is even more important to focus on the inner journey towards heaven and Christ’s love for us.