The Road to the Triumph

The Road to the Triumph

What’s it all about?

We live in a world filled with chaos and despair (rumours of wars, pandemics, economic distress, and unprecedented social changes), but as we travel on the Road to the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, God calls us home to the narrow path of knowing him, loving him, and serving him.
It is the primary mission of the Catholic Church to spread the Kingdom of God throughout the world. In the same way that John the Baptist heralded Christ’s coming by urging repentance and preparation. On the Road to the Triumph, God has called many prophets around the world to reveal the Good News to modern man and to encourage us to repent.
This documentary tells the story of people who have experienced conversion and reconciliation with God, all through Our Blessed Mother who brought them back to Her Son. It is the purpose of the Road to the Triumph testimonies to proclaim the Good News in this generation. The true message of Jesus Christ is illuminated to the viewer, as witnesses share their discovery of faith, hope, and intimacy with God.

Who is this documentary for?

This documentary is for everyone who has ever felt broken, lost or like there’s no hope left in this world. We will take you on a journey through the lives of others like yourself, showing you that even though we may be going through similar struggles, there is always light at the end of the tunnel if we just keep pushing forward. No matter what your story is; whether it be addiction, family breakdown, financial trouble, homosexual lifestyle or gender disorder.

Are you lukewarm in your Faith?

How often do we question if we’re ardent believers or not?  We don’t spend much time questioning it, though Jesus does have something to say on this topic.

I know your works, Jesus says in Revelation 3:15-16. I know your works; I know that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either cold or hot. So, because you are lukewarm, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth”.

Uncertain or in a Crisis?

Are you in a dark place right now? Do you feel alone and uncertain about what to do with your life? Are you feeling like there is no meaning in this world? Don’t worry, we’ve all been there. But I promise that there is light at the end of the tunnel if only you are willing to open yourself up to it.

You see, God loves us all so much and he wants nothing more than for us to have peace within ourselves and within our lives but we need to open ourselves up and allow him into our lives again because he’s always been here waiting for us. He’s been by our side through thick and thin, through good times and bad; he doesn’t care about our past or about what we’ve done because all that matters is that we love him back with everything that we have and everything that we are.

If you are looking for some help finding your way back then please reach out; we are here for you as well as thousands of other people who have been where you are now but found their way back thanks to God’s grace!

Triumph of Immaculate Heart of Mary

We know that a triumph is when one side wins a battle. The Blessed Virgin of Fatima warned us of this time, when there would be battles between wars and diseases, although she mentions the worst is losing faith because it leads away from God and into sin and danger of eternal damnation or even physical death.

One such battlefields was something that Pope John Paul II referred to as the culture of death. It refers not just to murders or genocide but also the destruction of souls themselves – both spiritually and physically. And yet amidst this cultural chaos, Jesus entrusted his Mother with victory because she seeks out refuge in Her Immaculate Heart. She offers hope where otherwise there would’ve been none; converting lost souls back into faithful followers until they find their way home again.

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