Our Prayer Warriors

The following prayer groups have been fervently praying for our success in the fight against evil. If you’re looking to join a group of people who want to pray, this page has all the information you’ll need.


Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Movement, Australia


Devotion to the Flame of Love does not compete with or displace other devotions and ministries but rather supercharges them with Grace. You may not be called to direct involvement in the Flame of Love Movement, but the practices and lifestyle of the Flame of Love Devotion will bring a flood of grace to your current ministry. Please consider, as part of your current ministry, learning and living this rocket ride to holiness, devotion to the Flame of Love of the Immacualte Heart of Mary which is Jesus Himself. 

October 1962 and 2nd February 1982

This is the instrument that I place in your hands. By this, you and your companions will save souls of the dying from eternal damnation.

By the light of my Flame of Love, Satan will remain blind.


 Marian Movement of Priests (MMP)

Mmp marian movement of priest.Founder in 1972 in Fatima with Fr Stefano Gobbi  (dec 2011)as the instrument chosen for this now widely spread movement.

 Its messages are contained in the blue book Our Lady to Her Priests.They are in the form of inner locutions recorded and published since 1978.

The format chosen for its spirituality is in a form of CENACLE. Praying the rosary with our Lady, reading a passage from the book and a consecration to Her Immaculate Heart.

The book is translated in 37 languages and has received 14 Imprimaturs. The cenacles are both for Priests and laity. They can be held in homes parishes and main cathedrals, when needed.

It telescopes especially the trials of our present world with many prophetic messages in order to bring HOPE and consolation that heaven is assisting those who learn to be at the school and Mary.The messages give a diagnostic understanding of the times  we are living and the medicine to help deal with the current crisis of faith in the church and the world.

Contacts to start cenacles are given in each country.

WA.Fr Fox 0427085093 priests

Laity Marina 0419227733

Casa Di Luisa Piccarreta

Casa Di Luisa Piccarreta 

The Lord provided this address on the 31st May 2003 as the centre for the dissemination of the Divine Will knowledge. Our apostolate is about making known the life, love and teaching of the Divine Will revelations as given to Luisa Piccarreta  (1865 to 1947).


We order books, DVDs, CDs and USBs etc. concerning the Divine Will from places such as the USA, Italy and others and make them available.   We do not make any profit in the distribution of these products.


Our home has weekly Divine Will prayer meetings every Tuesday and hosts conferences, seminars and retreats on the Divine Will throughout the year.


We welcome visitors from country areas, interstate or overseas to stay with us here at Casa.


At the time of writing, we have over 1200 on our mailing list and correspond with over 300 who are not on email.


One of our ministries, is to our priests.

Casa and friends, sponsor priests who may be interested in finding out more about this incredible Gift.  We organise Divine Will retreats for priests every year.


The GREATEST GIFT ever, is that of the Gift of the Divine Will.  The Lord will renew the face of the earth with the living in His Divine Will. He will receive ALL the love, praise, glory, and thanks that is rightly His due. It must be Divine, perfect, infinite and eternal. Hence the offering of this Gift to us.

We are called to embrace this Gift and make It known, desired and loved by others.


I know when the Lord first called me to this work many years ago, I was a bit stunned!  I did not know what to do or how to go about some things.

What the Lord has shown me is that I must be TOTALLY DEPENDENT UPON HIM.

I must rely TOTALLY on Divine Providence.

He has provided for this awesome work of His at every stage.

He uses weak instruments so that all know that it is He that does everything!


Jenny Troy

Email   <jtroy@iinet.net.au>